Showing results for Bash - Windows Command Line

Jun 8, 2016

Huge improvements to Bash on Ubuntu on Windows in Build 14361

Rich Turner
Rich Turner

Dona Sarkar, the new owner of the Windows Insider Big Red Release Button has just announced the release of Windows 10 Anniversary Update Insiders Build 14361 to the fast-ring: Start your download engines - this is a release filled with huge improvements, too numerous to list here, but which are nicely summarized in the release email. Also included...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Jun 8, 2016

Tmux support arrives for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Rich Turner
Rich Turner

In Windows 10 build 14361, available now to Windows Insiders fast-ring users, we've added Pseudo Terminal support to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which, along with improvements to Windows Console's much improved support for rendering VT control sequences, enables Tmux support to light-up your console! For those not familiar with it, Tmux is a...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Windows Console