September 13th, 2006

What do you want in the way of power toy checkin policies?

Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Mario Rodriguez, a program manager on TFS version control, is seeking your input on what you need in the way of checkin policies for a future power toys release.  An example might be a policy that wraps another policy to provide path filtering to more precisely control what files are subject to a particular checkin policy.

Please leave a comment on his blog post.

Check-In Policies Pack Feedback Request

I have decided to skip the post about merge and deleted items for today in order to get some feedback from you on Check-in Policies. Currently, we are thinking of releasing a check-in policy pack out of band that includes some very commonly used policies, an example being “Check-in comment field cannot be empty”.


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Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering, Azure DevOps