On the forum, a couple of users have run into this issue with get, so I thought I would mention it here.
There’s a known issue in beta 3 where mapping a server path to a local path that exceeds the NTFS limit results in a SQL error message. The RTM code will give you a nice message to that effect rather than the SQL error message.
A database error occurred (SQL error 8152) —> String or binary data would be truncated.
MyServer.TFSVersionControl..prc_Get: Database Update Failure – Error 8152 executing EXECUTESQL statement for #versionedItems
The statement has been terminated.
If you run into this problem, you can fix it by editing your workspace mappings to change the local path to be shorter.
For example, if you have “$/project/some_path” mapped to “c:documents and settingsuservisual studio projectssome_path” then change the local path to something shorter, such as “c:projectssome_path” and then run get again. To modify your mappings in VS, use File -> Source Control -> Workspaces, select your workspace, and click Edit.
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