July 24th, 2007

CodePlex project: TFSBuildLab

Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Peter Blomqvist and Mathias Olausson have undertaken an ambitious project to provide things like build queuing and continuous integration on top of TFS 2005.  While we have these features in TFS 2008, this project provides some of these essential features for use with your current TFS deployment.

TFSBuildLab – Project Description

TFSBuildLab is a project to simplify the day to day operations when using automated builds and Team System.
This project handles common Team System issues such as:

Continuous integration builds
Scheduled builds
Build queueing
Manual and automated build cleanup
TFS Event notifications

Many of these issues are handled in the upcoming TFS release (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/c/59cd0dc5-4691-4c3e-840c-66d865f27692/orcas-continuous-integration.xps), but we wanted to have a good implementation until then and we also aim to be as forward-compatible as possible.

Project Documentation

Check it out and give them feedback on it!

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Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering, Azure DevOps