August 28th, 2015

VS Online/TFS Feature timeline – the UserVoice version

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

As a follow up to my post yesterday on the Feature timeline refresh, I took a few minutes this morning to walk through our UserVoice site and summarize how the work we are planning over the next several months relates.  This is a different granularity cut (because it’s based on UV suggestions) that what I published yesterday.

I’m not promising that I caught every single one.  And I’m not promising that everyone I’ve listed here will get done this fall (my crystal ball isn’t perfect).  But, based on what I know now, this is a pretty good approximation of the plan.  I stopped when I got down to UV items with less than 100 votes – not because they aren’t good nor because we aren’t doing any of them – only because there’s a ton of them and I had to draw the line somewhere or I’d spend hours more on this exercise.

A few of these are longer term investments and we’ll make significant progress on them this Fall but we won’t complete them until sometime next year.  There are others we are working on but I chose not to list because I don’t expect significant visible progress until early next year.

Hopefully this is also a valuable way for you to look at our plans.

Image 7357 image thumb 70FE668C

Image 4572 image thumb 3C7D9444

Image 1200 image thumb 2502E013

Image 7532 image thumb 0911AB1B

Image 2061 image thumb 34E1FF0A

Image 4682 image thumb 5273DA09

Image 5732 image thumb 7A56D968

Image 6765 image thumb 6584E0E8

Image 6761 image thumb 70CDF525

Image 5584 image thumb 6791B9E4

Image 0160 image thumb 5736422B

Image 0285 image thumb 6D3CADBD

Image 7824 image thumb 3E967F0E

Image 0728 image thumb 153F3710

Image 2112 image thumb 04778C62

Image 8306 image thumb 68865769

Image 3348 image thumb 6524BFC1

Image 2627 image thumb 694E9786

Image 8306 image thumb 26FB7F43



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.