A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post talking about some of our TFS 2010 feature set – I’m referring to the one on Admin & Setup. In that post I talked about compatibility and supported dependency versions. One of the things that I mentioned was that we would be supporting VS 2008 clients through an update to the Team Explorer 2008 client and VS 2003 clients (and earlier) through an update to the MSSCCI provider but that, based on an analysis on usage trends, we had decided not to support VS 2005 clients. I got quite a strong reaction from customers, partners and the field objecting to the lack of VS2005 support. You can read the comments here to get a flavor for some of it. We’ve listened to the feedback and thought hard about it. We’ve decided to release an update to Team Explorer 2005 so that VS 2005 clients can also work with TFS 2010 servers. Like with VS 2008, the feature set will be reduced compared to VS 2010 clients but core developer functionality will be available. I’d like for the list of support/unsupported features for VS 2005 & VS 2008 to be the same but we are still working through the cost to do this work and have not finalized on a few decisions. I’ll post about this again within a few months when I can explain the full set of decisions that we’ve made but I wanted you to know that we’ve heard you and are adjusting our plans.