A little over a year ago we unveiled a continuous delivery feature for TFS –> Azure, allowing you to configure the TFS build pipeline to automatically deploy to running Azure applications. In the intervening time, we added Git support to TFS but getting Git integrated into all of our scenarios is a journey. This week we released the next small step on that journey: TFS Git –> Azure continuous delivery using Team Foundation Service. Scott wrote up a nice overview of the scenario on his blog so, rather than replicate it, I’ll just refer you there. It starts about half way down his post. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2013/11/04/windows-azure-import-export-hard-drives-vm-acls-web-sockets-remote-debugging-continuous-delivery-new-relic-billing-alerts-and-more.aspx Check it out and, as always, feedback is encouraged.
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