Today we released the final release candidate for TFS 2017.1.
This update contains a few new features and a lot of bug fixes. To my knowledge, we have fixed all the bugs that were reported from RC1. There are a small handful of bugs left to be fixed and we will be ready to ship the final version of Update 1. We recently announced that VS 2017 and TFS 2017.1 will be released on March 7th. Most of the new features in RC 2 are small but nice. You can read the release notes for details (look for “New in RC2”). Probably the most frequently requested new addition is breaking up of the Git repository administration permissions so that you can. for instance, give people the permission to create repos without giving them permission to administer everyone else’s. Check out the release notes though because there are improvements in Pull requests, testing, release management and more. This release candidate is a “go-live” release, can be used in production environments and will be supported. It will upgrade seamlessly to the final release. It also has localized resources for all our supported languages (RC1 was English only). Please try it out and, if you find any issues, let us know immediately. We still have a little time left to fix any serious problems. Thank you, Brian