December 1st, 2009

TFS 2010 Power Tools are Available

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

The first public build of the TFS 2010 Power Tools are now available.  I wrote details about them a couple of weeks ago: A reminder – these are really “pre-release” Power Tools.  We’re producing this build so that early adopters of TFS 2010 Beta 2 will have them but we’ll be producing a final 2010 Power Tools release near the VS/TFS 2010 launch date. We’ve also moved our Power Tools from the general Microsoft download site to the Visual Studio Gallery site.  This is in an attempt to make it easier to find all of the relevant Visual Studio add-ons. Here are the links: 1. TFS MSSCCI Provider: 2. TFPT: As always, if you find any issues, please report them.  We are eager to fix any significant issues before the final 2010 release. You can share questions, comments, etc on: And you can report bugs at: You can just set the product as TFS 2010 and note somewhere that it is a Power Tool issue and we’ll route it appropriately. Thanks and sorry for the long wait,



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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