June 2nd, 2017

Team Services Update – June 1, 2017

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Sheesh, it’s another huge update this sprint.  I expected a bit of a lull after all the work we put out along with the Build conference but things don’t seem  to be slowing down much (or at least they’ve picked back up with a vengeance).  Check out the release notes for details. There’s so many exciting things in this sprint and I’ll comment on a few:

  1. Mobile work items experience – We’ve reached our “V1” stage for mobile work items.  I can now view and edit work items in a mobile optimized experience.  I can also view basic lists of work items (assigned to me, following, recently viewed, etc.).  It’s enough for a reasonably complete experience.  Later this year we’ll start work on other mobile optimized experiences – like commenting on/approving pull requests, release approvals, build status, etc.  If you want to try out the mobile experience, just browse to your account on a phone or click on a work item link in an email from your phone.
  2. Pull request enhancements – Every sprint pull requests keep getting better and we’ve got several sprints of work yet to go.  The more people that use it, the more feedback we get, the better we make it.
  3. CI/CD – and once again, there is a long list of improvements to our CI/CD experience.

Check it out, Brian


Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.