January 7th, 2013

Team Foundation Service Update – Jan 7

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

The results of our sprint 41 were deployed today.  You can read the news about them on the release notes. Because of the holidays it was a pretty modest sprint.  The biggest end user feature was making the new send work items via email feature work on the backlog as well as on work item queries.  We also did some work on our Basic Authentication mechanism to better support a wide variety of clients. Sprint 41 actually ended Dec 24th but, because of the holidays, the deployment of it was delayed until today.  However, sprint 42 will end as scheduled and deployments will resume on their normal schedule.  So sprint 42 will deploy on Jan 21. We’ve got some exciting new stuff coming over the next couple of months so stay tuned.




Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.