October 15th, 2010

Scrolling menus are dead!

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

OK, maybe not quite but a big step forward.  This week we released a hotfix for both VS and WPF that changes menu placement to eliminate scrolling menus when there actually is enough vertical real estate to avoid them.  In the screen shot below (with the patch applied), you can see that menu has been moved up (relative to the right click target – Program.cs) to avoid clipping the menu at the bottom of the screen and having a scrolling menu.  Pre-hotfix the menu would have been vertically aligned with Program.cs and you would have seen a little scrolling arrow at the bottom of the menu in place of the last 5 or so items.  This makes me VERY happy 🙂


Of course, if your resolution is low enough that the menu doesn’t fit on the whole screen, you’ll still get scrolling menus.


You can read more about the patch here.  You’ll need to install both the WPF and VS patches.  Unfortunately the WPF patch requires a reboot (or, at least, it did for me).  Also, if you are installing on a 64-bit OS, you only need to install the 64-bit patch – it includes 32-bit as well.



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Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.