December 11th, 2009

“Real World” Apps

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Someone asked me the other day what we were using as our “Real World” apps so they could compare them to their own apps to understand how the testing we are doing will apply.  Here’s a high level overview that characterizes several of them.  There are others that I haven’t listed but this should give you a decent flavor.  Many of these came from actual external customers and the names have been changed to protect the innocent 🙂  

App Type Projects Source files
AG VB WinForms 120 942
SW Mixed (incl C++) 167 2655
P C# WinForms 29 1393
UM C# Web Project 12 439
CB VB Web Project 37 2297
TZ C# Website 11 1021
PJD C#, XAML, Silverlight 8 1200

  I’m not trying to tell you that no one has any apps bigger than this but we believe these represent a pretty good picture of a range of largish real world apps across a variety of technologies.



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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