In the last few days, we have launched a new MSDN Forum for discussions of Team System Web Access:
We have redirected the forums at the devBiz site to the new forum on MSDN. We had originally anticipated waiting a bit longer for this but we were having problems with SPAM on the devBiz forums. Fortunately MSDN has a reasonable spam filtering system. So the move saves us the time of manually filtering through the spam on the devBiz site.
This change does not change the fact that the current downloads available from the devBiz site are “devBiz products” (devBiz now being a Microsoft subsidiary). As I have said before, we are in the process of running them through the Microsoft release process, after which they will become Microsoft Power Tools.
P.S. nothing in this post is intended to imply that I am a lawyer or know anything whatsoever about law. However, there is a subtle distinction between the Web Access product being currently a product of the devBiz subsidiary rather than directly from Microsoft. I don’t pretend to understand it but feel compelled to convey it 🙂