Yep, that’s right TFS 2010 Beta 2 and RC are expiring in 2 days. When June 30th comes, they will completely stop working. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve seen an increasing number of customers who’ve let the deadline sneak up on them and now find themselves in a situation where they don’t have the time necessary to plan and execute an upgrade from the Beta 2 or RC builds to the RTM build before it is going to expire. Luckily, we anticipated this would happen and built in an escape valve for the procrastinators of the world 🙂 To extend the beta2/RC beyond 6/30 you can update the license key with a “trial product” key that will replace the beta/RC key with a trial key that expires 90 days from when you update it. Do the following command from an elevated command prompt on the AT: 1. Navigate to the “\program files\microsoft team foundation server 2010\tools” directory 2. Run “tfsconfig.exe license /productkey:3X62F-DRMVM-424XH-QVHFM-CXXDK” The output should confirm that a “Trial License with 90 days remaining, expiring on xx/xx/2010” was installed. You can also open up the TFS Administration Console and refreshing the top level node should show a license type of “Trial”. This will keep your TFS server running until you get the chance to upgrade it to the RTM version. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there is no similar mechanism for bypassing the expiration of the VS client Beta 2/RC. You must uninstall(Beta2/RC)/reinstall(RTM) those to get them working again. Please move forward to the RTM build as soon as you can because it gets increasingly more difficult for us to support you on the pre-release builds. Good luck and, as always, let me know if there is any way I can help.
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