I never got around to saying it when I got back. Sorry, just seems like there’s never enough time in the day to do everything. I hope everyone had a good time off – I know I did. I spent WAY too much time playing World of Warcraft. It’s embarassing to admit it but I’m a massively multi-player online game addict. Not that I get much time to play but when a vacation comes, I tend to overdose 🙂 I also spent a bunch of time with my kids and that was a ton of fun. Things around the office are heating up really fast. The TFS team is in the process of wrapping up feature coding for the Orcas release and many people are focusing on testing and bugs. As I mentioned in a recent post, you should get the first Orcas TFS build in about a month. I wish it was sooner but that’s what we can do. I’m eager to get it in your hands and get some feedback from you while there’s still time to make feature changes (beyond just fixing bugs). I didn’t get around to publishing the December dogfood statistics. I’ve been doing them generally toward the end of the month and activity on the server was so low towards the end of Dec, it just didn’t seem worth doing it. When I got back I looked and saw that there had only been about 300 active users in the last week of December 🙂 The server is ramping back up quickly now that most people have returned to work. I’ll probably send a Jan report next week sometime. Now I just have to remember that it’s 2007 any time I have to sign something 🙂 Thanks,