Since I’ve gotten a few questions about it, I decided I’d post the list of bug fixes. This doesn’t include any bugs associated with new functionality that showed up in this release – only functionality that was in previous releases:
Best Practices Analyzer (BPA)
- 456884 BPA 2008 – add rule to make sure that SQL is at correct Service Pack
- 459892 TFSBPA 2010: Check that there are no queries that reference deleted fields
- 462268 TFSBPA 2008: Check TFS 2008 for the post TFS 2010 upgrade issue with missing labels & merge issues described in kb2193796
- 462134 TFSBPA 2010: Add new web services to the TeamFoundationIntegration web service node
- 462130 TFSBPA 2010: BPA not capturing SharePoint 2010 Event Viewer logs
- 462136 TFSBPA 2010: Bpa throws false positive error “Script execute permissions are not set for virtual directory” for SharePoint 2010 deployments integrated with TFS 2010
- 462129 TFSBPA 2010: Get Alternate Access Mappings for the SharePoint 2010 Web Applications
- 462132 TFSBPA 2010: Identify & gather registry information for local and remote deployments of SharePoint 2010
- 454806 TFSBPA 2010: Warn if a project is not welformed
- 453595 BPA 2008 – add rule to make sure that TFS 2005 SP1 or TFS 2008 SP1 is installed
- 453832 TFS2010 BPA – Check SharePoint portal owner
- 453835 TFS2010 BPA – Make sure TFSSERVICE account is a Farm Administrator
Team Members
- 458414 If an unexpected exception happens trying to get a contact info from IM sometimes the tree is not fully rendered
- 459690 If the query has an “Assigned To = “@Me” to be the last clause running it for a team member does not yield the correct results
- 457210 Unshelve throws exception in Team Members
- 457539 Watson Clr20r3 across buckets with: Application devenv.exe from Dev10 RTM; Exception N3CTRYE2KN3C34SGL4ZQYRBFTE4M13NB; MICROSOFT.VISUALSTUDIO.TEAMFOUNDATION.POWERTOOLS.DLL!Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PowerTools.TeamTrackerUIHierarchy. …[trunc]
Create Team Project
- 458295 tfpt CreateTeamProject: we should have have command line options to turn off wss/rs integration.
- 460133 COM Exception when running tfpt createTeamproejct (devenv instance stays running)
- 462375 Powertool: Powershell shortcut points to default directory even if it was installed to custom path
- 457055 Right click menu makes server call before being displayed
- 456112 tfpt command line GUI uses old VS Logo
- 468183 No help for alerts explorer
- 457295 Powertools product name should be updated to say “Powertools” instead of VisualStudio
- 457067 Power Tools help file TFPTCommandLineTool.mht#C_AddProjectReports /log:LogFolderPath Description is incorrect
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