July 8th, 2020

Extract data from print and handwritten documents using Azure Form Recognizer

Now available in Azure Government, Form Recognizer is an AI-powered document extraction service that understands your forms, enabling you to extract text, tables, and key value pairs from your documents, whether print or handwritten.

With just a few samples, Form Recognizer tailors its understanding to your documents, both on-premises and in the cloud. Turn forms into usable data at a fraction of the time and cost, so you can focus more time acting on the information rather than compiling it. For example, you can extract data from documents and forms such as tax documents, court forms, W2s and more.

Top uses for Form Recognizer

  • Extracting document layout: extract text and table structures along with their bounding box coordinates using a simple API.
  • Extracting text, key value pairs and tables from your documents: extract text, tables, and key value pairs from your documents by training a model tailored to your documents. Just five forms are needed to get started and Form Recognizer enables you to train without labels and with labels to extract the data you need from your documents easily and with high accuracy.
  • Extract values of interest from receipts: handle business receipts with ease using the pre-built receipt API. It identifies and extracts key information on sales receipts, such as the time and date of the transaction, merchant information, the amounts of taxes, totals, line items and more, with no training required.

How to get started with Form Recognizer

  1. Create a Form Recognizer resource in the Azure Gov Portal
  2. Follow one of the following QuickStart guides:
    1. Analyze a document Layout
    2. Custom train and analyze with labels
    3. Custom train and analyze without labels
    4. Extract data from Receipts
  3. Try Form Recognizer client library or explore our reference REST API

Additional resources:


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