Azure SDK

Azure SDK Team

Post by this author

Azure SDK Release (April 2021)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find this month's highlights and release notes.

Azure SDK Release (March 2021)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find the March 2021 highlights and release notes.

Azure SDK Release (February 2021)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find the February 2021 highlights and release notes.

State of the Azure SDK 2021

In 2020, we delivered significant improvements to the Azure developer experience. In this post, we take a look at some changes from last year and discuss what's planned for 2021.

Azure SDK Release (January 2021)

Azure SDK releases updated libraries every month. In this post, you'll find this month's highlights and release notes.

Azure SDK Release (November 2020)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find this month's highlights and release notes.

Announcing the new Azure SDK Resource Management Libraries GA

In this post we'll share the GA announcements of latest Azure Resource Management libraries for Java and Python and provide an update to the overall SDK product roadmap.

Azure SDK Release (October 2020)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find this month's highlights and release notes.

Azure SDK Release (September 2020)

Form Recognizer goes GA! Introducing the new Tables and Event Grid client libraries!!!

Azure SDK Release (August 2020)

Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you'll find this month's highlights and release notes.