January 25th, 2016

Xamarin’s Newest Most Valued Professionals

With the new year comes exciting new changes, and for our community, that means lots of new Xamarin MVPs! These are rockstars who have earned recognition for significant contributions to the mobile C# community by: Xamarin MVP

  • Speaking at user groups, conferences, and online
  • Maintaining and sharing useful information on personal blogs
  • Writing great articles, blog posts, and books
  • Growing their local Xamarin community by hosting user group events

While also showing their dedication to the community through:

  • Building amazing Plugins and components for Xamarin
  • Helping developers online by heavily participating in our forums, on Twitter, Stack Overflow, and other communities
  • Shipping awesome mobile apps

We invite you to join us at Xamarin in welcoming our newest round of 2016 Xamarin MVPs for their remarkable contributions to the community!

Jim Bennett JB Head Post

Martijn van Dijk MVD Head Post

Rafael Moura RM Head Post

Mitch Muenster MitchMuenster Head Post

Oren Novotny ON Head Post

Mark J Radacz MR Head Post

John Thiriet JT Head Post 2


We’d like to shout out a big thank you to all of these outstanding community leaders who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to helping others get the most out of their experience with Xamarin by sharing their passion, real-world knowledge, and technical expertise with developers all over the world.

Does this sound like someone you know?

Is there an outstanding developer in your community who would be the perfect fit as a Xamarin MVP? Be sure to nominate them for the award!



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