October 8th, 2014

Enterprise Component Vendors Join Xamarin.Forms Ecosystem

On stage at Xamarin Evolve 2014 just now, Miguel shared the amazing work that has been done by six major component vendors in order to ship support for Xamarin.Forms.


A major feature of our Xamarin 3 release earlier this year, Xamarin.Forms gives mobile developers the ability to build native UIs for iOS, Android and Windows Phone from a single, shared C# codebase. Xamarin.Forms is incredibly extensible, enabling developers to share code while always maintaining access to the power of underlying native platform.


Today, we are announcing a major expansion of the Xamarin.Forms ecosystem: Six major .NET component vendors have transformed over 140 existing charts, graphs, gauges, and grids into cross-platform mobile controls, giving Xamarin developers powerful and expressive controls for advanced data visualization.

Our component vendor partners have created beautiful UI controls that enable mobile developers to create native user experiences that meet the increasing demands of mobile enterprise apps, while saving countless hours developing these views for multiple platforms.

More details of Xamarin.Forms support availability can be found on each vendors’ product page:

All components will be available in the Xamarin Component store this year. SyncFusion and Telerik components are available today.



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