January 29th, 2018

Android Emulator Quick Boot

Jon Douglas
Principal Program Manager

Android Emulator version 27.0.2 now includes a feature called Quick Boot, which launches the emulator in just a few seconds. For Quick Boot to work, your AVD must perform a cold boot on its first time booting up. All subsequent starts will use this feature to restore the system to the state it was last closed in. This feature is turned on by default.

Getting Started wtih Quick Boot

To get started, open the Xamarin Android SDK Manager in your IDE by going to Tools > Android > SDK Manager.

Under the Tools tab, update the following:

  • Android SDK Tools 26.1.1
  • Android Emulator 27.0.2

Once you’ve installed the requirements for this feature, it’s as easy as booting up your favorite AVD for the first time to start the initial cold boot.

When you’re done using the AVD, exit the emulator and Quick Boot will save its state.

The next time you open your AVD, it will load the existing state and proceed to Quick Boot.


Now, your Android emulator should now start up in under six seconds, with no need to wait for the emulator to boot up before you continue coding.

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Jon Douglas
Principal Program Manager

Jon Douglas is a Principal Program Manager for NuGet at Microsoft. In his spare time he is most likely spending time with his family, performing comedy improv, or playing video games.


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