Keeping up with the latest in .NET, C#, Xamarin, and Azure is easier than ever. Co-hosts Matt Soucoup and James Montemagno cover a range of topics relevant to Xamarin developers from designing mobile apps to identity management. This month’s Xamarin Podcast episode covers all the latest news around Android, plus more!
We ❤️Android!
In this episode, James and Matt love Android almost as much as they love going to the dentist … seriously they ❤️Android and they ❤️their dentists!
There’s a ton of Android goodness to discuss and they tackle it all!
You’ve heard of Android Start-up Tracing – now find out how it makes your app faster!
What’s all the hubbub about AndroidX? James has got you covered!
Did you know there’s a great session from the Xamarin Developer Summit that you can watch that shows you the what, how, and why to optimizing your Android build?!? You bet there is and you can stream it on demand!
There’s more than Android in this months episode
Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac get updates. There’s a super cool app out there that does everything you ever wanted with contacts IN FOUR LINES OF CODE! Also, App Center is releasing features like crazy!
And hold the (mobile) phone! You can stream all the Xamarin Developer Summit videos on Channel 9!!
Of course, last but not least… the Pick of the Pod!! Be sure to download this episode from your favorite podcast app.
Office Hours
Have something on your mind? Office Hours are back! Book some time with Matt to discuss any cloud or mobile dev topic during Office Hours.
Subscribe or Download Today
Join your co-hosts Matt Soucoup and James Montemagno to discuss the latest and greatest in Android, Xamarin, and cloud development. Get all the updates about Xamarin.Forms, recent features, and future releases in a jiffy.
Subscribe to the Xamarin Podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app today!