Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Announcement: Publish markdown files from your git repository to VSTS Wiki

This feature will be available in VSTS after the deployment of the Sprint 132 update is completed. Now you can publish markdown files from a git repository to the VSTS Wiki. Developers often write SDK documents, product documentation, or README files explaining a product in a git repository. Such pages are often updated alongside code in the ...

Training State-of-the-Art Neural Networks in the Microsoft Azure Cloud

This is the third post in a three-part series by guest blogger, Adrian Rosebrock. Adrian writes at about computer vision and deep learning using Python. He recently finished authoring a new book on deep learning for computer vision and image recognition. Introduction In the final part in this series, I want to address a ...

ASP.NET Core manageability and Application Insights improvements

There are many great investments on the ASP.NET Core 2.1 roadmap. These investments make ASP.NET Core applications easier to write, host, test, and make security and standards compliant. This blog post talks about areas of investments in manageability and monitoring space. It covers ASP.NET Core, .NET, and Application Insights SDK ...

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 Preview 3 now available

Today we released the third preview of the next update: Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7. The top highlights of this Preview include: •Updates to Universal Windows Platform development •C++ development improvements •Significant updates in Xamarin and .NET Mobile Development •Ability to configure installation locations •Debugger ...

Calling all Desktop Developers: how should UI development be improved?

The user interface (UI) of any application is critical in making your app convenient and efficient for the folks using it. When developing applications for Enterprise use, a good UI can shave time off an entire company’s workflow. Visual Studio is investing in new tools to improve the productivity of Windows desktop developers and we’d ...

VSTS Deployment Groups is now generally available: sharing of targets and more

We are excited to announce that Deployment Groups is out of preview and is now generally available. Deployment Groups is a robust out-of-the-box multi-machine deployment feature of Release Management in VSTS/TFS. What are Deployment Groups? With Deployment Groups, you can orchestrate deployments across multiple servers and perform rolling ...

Virtual Machine Serial Console access (Azure)

Ever since I started working on the Virtual Machine (VM) platform in Azure, there has been one feature request that I consistently hear customers asking for us to build. I don’t think words can describe how excited I am to announce that today we are launching the public preview of Serial Console access for both Linux and Windows VMs. ...

Azure.Source – Volume 25 (What’s New in Azure)

One of the biggest news items out of last week was the arrival of Virtual Machine Serial Console access in public preview in all global regions. This is something customers have wanted for some time and the team was ecstatic to finally deliver it. Down below, you'll find a blog post and episodes of Tuesdays with Corey and Azure Friday that go ...

#GlobalAzure Bootcamp 2018

The Global Azure Bootcamp (#GlobalAzure) is a worldwide series of one-day technical learning events for Azure. It is created and hosted by leaders from the global cloud developer community. This is community, pure and simple, at its very best. And you can join too! If you’d like to host a Global Azure Bootcamp, all you need to do is sign up...

Training Many Anomaly Detection Models using Azure Batch AI

In the IoT world, it’s not uncommon that you’d want to monitor thousands of devices across different sites to ensure normal behavior. Devices can be as small as microcontrollers or as big as aircraft engines and might have sensors attached to them to collect various types of measurements that are of interest. These measurements often carry...