April 5th, 2018

#GlobalAzure Bootcamp 2018

The Global Azure Bootcamp (#GlobalAzure) is a worldwide series of one-day technical learning events for Azure. It is created and hosted by leaders from the global cloud developer community. This is community, pure and simple, at its very best. And you can join too!

If you’d like to host a Global Azure Bootcamp, all you need to do is sign up and create an event for your location, which will put your pin on our map of locations. Making your event happen is easy, follow these guidelines for more information. All you need is a location (a conference room will often suffice!), some local experts to speak and tutor a workshop, and a plan to get people to attend. But you won’t be on your own! We are here to help. You’ll see a link on the site to contact us so that we can help connect you with people both inside and outside of Microsoft.