Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Are your Windows Forms and WPF applications ready for .NET Core 3.0?

At Build 2018 we announced that we are enabling Windows desktop applications (Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Framework (WPF)) with .NET Core 3.0. You will be able to run new and existing Windows desktop applications on .NET Core and enjoy all the benefits that .NET Core has to offer, such as application-local deployment and improved ...

Microsoft Ignite – now with more code

Microsoft Ignite is known as the place for technologists to build new skills, expand proficiencies, evaluate new tools, and network with the community. This year, we’re adding even more developer-focused content than ever before by going deep on popular and emerging developer technologies. But don’t just take my word for it, hear what ...

Announcing ML.NET 0.4

A few months ago we released ML.NET 0.1 at //Build 2018., ML.NET is a cross-platform, open source machine learning framework for .NET developers. We’ve gotten great feedback so far and would like to thank the community for your engagement as we continue to develop ML.NET together in the open...

Learn how to orchestrate serverless functions by scraping APIs in 8 minutes

Our scenario The project I’m working on requires me to retrieve information from multiple sources like the NuGet and GitHub API. Let’s bring into focus how I’m downloading data from the GitHub API. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably already heard me talk about it. Ever ended up on a sample that should be covering the problem ...

Handling a new era in the Japanese calendar in .NET

Typically, calendar eras represent long time periods. In the Gregorian calendar, for example, the current era spans (as of this year) 2,018 years. In the Japanese calendar, however, a new era begins with the reign of a new emperor. On April 30, 2019, Emperor Akihito is expected to abdicate, which will bring to an end the Heisei era. On the ...

Adaptive Mobile Designs with FlexLayout

Xamarin.Forms is fantastic for quickly shipping a single code base to multiple platforms and devices. As soon as you are present on all those different screens, you need to make sure your UI looks as you expect, and even adapt the layout for your specific goals. FlexLayout makes this easier than before and provides new options for you to space...

Tiered Compilation Preview in .NET Core 2.1

If you are a fan of .NET performance there has been a lot great news lately such as Performance Improvements in .NET Core 2.1 and Announcing .NET Core 2.1, but we’ve got more. Tiered compilation is a significant new performance feature that we are making available as a preview for anyone to try out, starting in .NET Core 2.1. In many ...