Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Top 5 Mobile App Security Failures and How To Prevent Them

In the race to get innovative new mobile apps or cool new features added to existing mobile apps out the door faster, secure coding practices in mobile app development aren’t always at the top of every developer’s list. In fact, our NowSecure benchmarks show that some 85 percent of iOS and Android apps in the Apple App Store and Google ...

Using MSVC in a Docker Container for Your C++ Projects

Containers encapsulate the runtime environment of an application: the file system, environment settings, and virtualized OS are bundled into a package. Docker containers have changed the way we think about build and test environments since they were introduced five years ago...

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 now available

Today we are releasing Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8. In this version we have focused on productivity, performance and bug fixes. There are many new features you‘ll find useful, but in this post, I’ll underscore the highlights you may be most interested in. For the complete list of all the updates in today’s release, check out the ...

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It has been said that Artificial Intelligence will define the next generation of software solutions. If you are even remotely involved with technology, you will almost certainly have heard the term with increasing regularity over the last few years...

Catch up on what’s new in Azure: Azure.Source – Volume 44

Announcing the public preview of Windows Container Support in Azure App Service - Windows Server Containers in Web App are now available in public preview. Azure App Service provides pre-defined application stacks on Windows like ASP.NET or Node.js, running on IIS. The preconfigured Windows environment locks down the operating system from ...

Announcing Windows Community Toolkit v4.0

The Windows Community Toolkit recently reached over 1 million downloads across all nuget packages. This is a very big milestone for the community and I’m very excited to announce yet another major update to the Windows Community Toolkit, version 4.0. With the help of the Windows community, this update introduces several new additions and ...