Visual Studio App Center: A New But Familiar Upgrade for HockeyApp Customers

Shikha Kaul

You’re a HockeyApp user and you’re using the service for beta distribution, crash reporting, and analytics for your Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows apps. You may also use the service’s powerful workflow integrations to help you better make better apps. It’s likely you’ve also heard of Visual Studio App Center and know that it’s somehow related to HockeyApp. In this post, I compare the two services, filling in the blanks for those customers who haven’t spent time with App Center. If you know the details about App Center, great! If you don’t, then I’m going to tell you why App Center offers even more than HockeyApp and explain why, even as a happy HockeyApp customer, you should start looking at App Center today. I’ll also show you how to get started with App Center, highlighting the special features designed to help the HockeyApp customer feel at home in App Center.

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