Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18950 available now!

Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 18950 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 18950 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area...

TraceProcessor 0.2.0

TraceProcessor version 0.2.0 is now available on NuGet with the following package ID: Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All...

Introducing Azure Dedicated Host

We are excited to announce the preview of Azure Dedicated Host, a new Azure service that enables you to run your organization’s Linux and Windows virtual machines on single-tenant physical servers. Azure Dedicated Hosts provide you with visibility and control to help address corporate compliance and regulatory requirements. We are extending ...

Visual Studio App Center, User Identity, & Shared Devices

One of the design goals for the Visual Studio App Center SDK is to simplify things for developers, making it easy for them to use App Center in their mobile (and desktop) apps. Because of this, the SDK does a lot of work for developers, especially at startup whenever the app lets the SDK know which App Center services are in play...

Improving the Performance of Standard Library Functions

In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2 we improved the codegen of several standard library functions. Guided by your feedback on Developer Community (Inlining std::lldiv and Improved codegen for std::fmin, std::fmax, std::round, std::trunc) we focused on the variants of standard division (, , ) and...

Smarter Member List Filtering for C++

We are always looking for ways to make you more productive while coding in Visual Studio. In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2, we have created a smarter, more relevant Member List. Specifically, we now apply method filtering based on type qualifiers. To illustrate this, consider the following example...

Inlining Decisions in Visual Studio (C++)

My name is Terry Mahaffey and I work on the code generation team in MSVC. Lately I’ve been doing some work on our inliner and I wanted to give a brief introduction to it before later diving into some of the changes we’ll be shipping...

HttpRepl: A command-line tool for interacting with RESTful HTTP services

The ASP.NET team has built a command-line tool called HttpRepl. It lets you browse and invoke HTTP services in a similar way to working with files and folders. You give it a starting point (a base URL) and then you can execute commands like “dir” and “cd” to navigate your way around the API...

Status on Visual Studio feature suggestions

Visual Studio receives over 500 feature suggestions from customers every month on the Developer Community website. Handling that amount is a huge effort and we’d like to share with you how we handle this volume and the steps that we take to respond to them all. What happens to suggestion tickets after they’re opened, how many make it into ...