Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

The Future of Mobile Development: Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Preview

Yesterday at Microsoft Connect(); 2018 we announced our plans for Xamarin.Forms 4.0 and shared a public preview. Let’s now take a deeper look at the big changes, starting with Xamarin.Forms Shell, and then touch some of the other highlights...

New Benefits in Visual Studio Subscriptions

Last week at Microsoft Connect();, we announced two new benefits to assist cloud migration for our users who have Visual Studio Subscriptions. If you missed the event or want to watch the on-demand trainings, check out the Connect(); event page. If you’re a current Visual Studio subscriber, activate your new benefits to get started right ...

Announcing ML.NET 0.8 – Machine Learning for .NET

ML.NET is an open-source and cross-platform framework (Windows, Linux, macOS) which makes machine learning accessible for .NET developers. ML.NET allows you to create and use machine learning models targeting scenarios to achieve common tasks such as sentiment analysis, issue classification, forecasting, recommendations, fraud detection, ...

Open Sourcing XAML Behaviors for WPF

Today, we are excited to announce that we are open sourcing XAML Behaviors for WPF. In the past, we open sourced XAML Behaviors for UWP which has been a great success and the Behaviors NuGet package has been downloaded over 500k times. One of the top community asks has been to support WPF in the same way. XAML Behaviors for WPF now ships as a...

New Azure DevOps Work Item Experience in Visual Studio 2019

In previous versions of Visual Studio, the work item experience was centered around queries, which need to be created and managed to find the right work items. In Visual Studio 2019, we have removed queries and added a new view for work items centered at the developer. This allows the developer to quickly find the work they need and associate ...

Introducing ‘Suggest a Feature’ in Developer Community for Visual Studio

Customer feedback is a critical input to help us improve Visual Studio. Up until two years ago, the Visual Studio customer feedback system left room for improvement – customers could use the “send a smile” feature in Visual Studio, but this would result in only coarse-grained feedback such as “I like this” or “I don’t like this...

Windows Template Studio 2.5 released! (UWP)

We’re extremely excited to announce the Windows Template Studio 2.5! As always, we love how the community is helping. If you’re interested, please head over to head over to WTS’s GitHub...

What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 143 Update

Sprint 143 Update of Azure DevOps is rolling out to all organizations. In this update, draft pull requests is now available in Azure Repos which allows you to easily create work in progress that may not include everyone. We are also releasing new features in Azure Artifacts, including the ability to exclude files in artifact uploads and get ...

Open Sourcing XAML Behaviors for WPF

Today, we are excited to announce that we are open sourcing XAML Behaviors for WPF. In the past, we open sourced XAML Behaviors for UWP which has been a great success and the Behaviors NuGet package has been downloaded over 500k times...

Python at Microsoft: flying under the radar

Python is an important piece of Microsoft’s future in the cloud, being one of the essential languages for services and teams to support, as well as the most popular choice for the rapidly growing field of data science and analytics both inside and outside of the company. But Python hasn’t always had such a prestigious position around ...