Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Azure Storage Explorer Generally Available 

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer. Storage Explorer provides easy management of Azure Storage accounts and contents, including Blobs, Files, Queues, and Table entities. For example, you can easily manage your Azure Virtual Machines disks as Blobs. Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Data Lake are ...

Announcing the DevOps Resource Center 

One of the favorite parts of my job is curating a web site with the stories of how we work. Those experience reports and more of our guidance are now consolidated at In addition to our own stories, this center offers content to help your team learn DevOps practices, Git (including Git at scale), and Agile. There’s ...

How Azure SQL Database makes database management easier? 

Azure SQL database is a platform as a service SQL Server Database Engine hosted in Azure cloud and managed by Azure. Azure automates many management activities and enables you to focus on development and optimizations. In addition, it enables you to easily configure some advanced management configurations. There are some critical database ...

The 3 improvements to Dev Center you should know about (Windows Dev Blog) 

We’ve been working hard on Windows Dev Center and wanted to share some of the improvements we’ve made for you, our developers. You can now submit PWAs to the Microsoft Store First, we’re excited to announce that you can submit your Progressive Web App (PWA) to the Microsoft Store through Windows Dev Center. PWAs are web apps, ...

Cosmos DB Solves Common Data Challenges in App Development

When considering how to implement your application with a relational database, it can change how you build it dramatically. Some of these challenges include adding an abstract implementation of the schema in the code, mapping data to objects, building queries, and preventing SQL injection attacks. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to ...

Mobilizing Existing .NET Apps (WPF, WCF, etc.)

Since the first release of the .NET Framework in 2002, developers have been building large-scale apps with client-server architectures. These apps frequently adopt a layered approach, with business logic to solve diverse and complex problems, accessed via desktop or web front-ends. Today, C# and .NET are available across a diverse set of ...

Azure SQL Database – scalability

Azure SQL Database is a flexible Platform as a service database that can be easily scaled to fit your needs. You can add more compute or storage to satisfy your performance requirements without waiting for new hardware or migrating data to more powerful machines. Azure enables you to change performance characteristics of your database on the ...

Library Manager: Client-side content manager for web apps in Visual Studio

If you’re developing a modern web app, chances are your app will reference client-side JavaScript and CSS files like jQuery or bootstrap. Maybe you copy these from a previous project, download them, or use Bower. However, with Bower announcing they won’t be offering support into the future, we thought it time to produce a lightweight, ...

Azure.Source – Volume 33

Microsoft continues to be a leader in Gartner's Cloud IaaS MQ - For the fifth consecutive year, Microsoft is recognized as a leader in Gartner's IaaS Magic Quadrent. Check out this post for the details and a link to not only this report, but a long list of other Gartner MQs that place Microsoft in the leader's quadrant. Now in preview Create...