June 1st, 2018

Library Manager: Client-side content manager for web apps in Visual Studio

If you’re developing a modern web app, chances are your app will reference client-side JavaScript and CSS files like jQuery or bootstrap. Maybe you copy these from a previous project, download them, or use Bower. However, with Bower announcing they won’t be offering support into the future, we thought it time to produce a lightweight, effective solution for web developers to easily manage common client-side library files.

So, we are previewing a new tool: Library Manager – Available in Visual Studio 2017 v15.7 Preview 4.0 in the Web Development and .NET Core workloads.

Library Manager (“LibMan” for short) is Visual Studio’s experimental client-side library acquisition tool. It provides a lightweight, simple mechanism that helps users find and fetch library files from an external source (such as CDNJS) and place them in your project.
