November 15th, 2021

Where Are My Favorite Extensions in Visual Studio 2022?

Leslie Richardson
Program Manager

MVisual Studio 2022’s official GA release is finally here, but many of you have probably asked the following question: “Where are my favorite extensions in VS 2022?” Many authors have already migrated their VS 2022 extensions, but not all published ones are available on the VS Marketplace, and some Marketplace extensions have new names. If you want to continue using your favorite extensions in VS 2022 but aren’t sure where they are, here’s a list of popular ones and where you can find them, via the Marketplace, outside the Marketplace, or as an integrated VS feature!

Finding VS 2022 Extensions in the Extension Manager & VS Marketplace

Don’t want to worry about downloading an unsupported extension? In the Visual Studio IDE, you can use the Extension Manager (Extensions > Manage Extensions) to browse and install extensions, which automatically filters version-supported extensions.

Extension Manager in VS


In a browser, you can filter to Visual Studio 2022-supported extensions via the “Version field in the image below.Image Marketplace

Currently, most VS 2022 extensions are published in a separate Marketplace entry under slightly different names from their VS 2019 and lower counterparts.  So, if you can’t find a specific extension in the Marketplace, try appending “2022” and see what you can find.  Otherwise, you might find your favorite extensions outside the Marketplace.

Many of you have asked about the status of your favorite extensions in VS 2022.  The good news is that a lot of them are migrated but are published outside the Marketplace. Whether you’re looking for your mainstays or want to explore new ones, here’s a list of popular extensions and their download locations.

  • GhostDoc (Currently in beta) – An extension that lets you generate XML comments and up-to-date documentation from your source code using customizable templates.
  • IncrediBuild (version 9.6.0) – An extension that speeds up development from compilations to testing and release automation by turning every host into a super computer with hundreds, even thousands of cores.  You can also install this extension in the VS Installer by selecting a C++ workload.
  • NDepend – A static analyzer extension that makes it easy to manage code quality on a large and complex .NET code base.
  • PostSharp – A pattern-aware extension that helps you write shorter, cleaner code by providing ready-made implementations of the most common .NET/VB design patterns and a framework to automate your own patterns.
  • ReSharper – A productivity tool that provides code navigation and refactoring enhancements, helps you find and fix errors, and gives you suggestions for writing quality code.
  • Visual Assist – A productivity tool that improves IDE features related to code navigation, refactoring, code generation, and coding assistance along with specific tooling for the Unreal Engine.

From Extensions to Integrated VS Features!

Bad news: some of your favorite VS 2019 extensions won’t be migrated to VS 2022.  Good news: that’s because some of your favorite VS 2019 extensions are now officially integrated in VS 2022!  Here are some extensions that made the leap:

Still missing extensions? Share your feedback!

Visual Studio 2022 is still very new, so a lot of existing extensions are transitioning via newly-added VS 2022 support and new publishing locations.  The Marketplace and pre-filtered Extension Manager still host most published VS 2022 extensions. Others are currently exclusive to their respective websites or are now fully incorporated into the IDE itself. Is your favorite extension still not available in VS 2022? Let us know which one(s) are important to you in the comments and file a suggestion ticket in the Developer Community!


Leslie Richardson
Program Manager

Leslie is a Program Manager on the C# developer experience team, focusing primarily on improving the overall .NET and C# productivity experience and feature set.


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  • Jiya desai

    Where are extension like

    Windows Template Studio
    Multilingual App ToolKit (MAT) for VS2022.
    I keep getting error : Multilingual build enabled, but the Multilingual App Toolkit is unavailable during the build. when i tried to install MAT it did not support VS2022.

    Any advise ?

  • Valery Boronin

    waiting for WDK support in 2022, can’t build driver projects.

  • Gavin Brown

    Ref12 is my favourite and most used extension, but it doesn’t support .NET Standard, .NET Core projects, or VS 2022.
    Please see

  • John Schroedl

    Our group won’t be able to move to VS2022 until the P4VS plugin for Perforce SCC is available. Looks like at least 14 others agree with me so far:

  • Nisarg Joshi

    GitHub Extension for Visual Studio – Not all functionalities are available. We cannot do pull request review with VS 2022. This is very essential to perform complete dev workflow using VS 2022.

    • Stephen Lloyd

      Me too. On my project, we can’t move to Visual Studio 2022 until this feature is added.
      I am frustrated by the comment in this article above that stated ‘GitHub Extension for Visual Studio … all its functionality is available in Visual Studio by default!’.
      This is not correct. I raised an issue to Microsoft about the missing pull request feature but received no response.
      If Microsoft states that features are supported when they’re not, then we waste our time hunting for thse features.
      Please could Microsoft be honest and openly state when features aren’t supported yet?

  • big boy

    Need Ngrok to upgrade…

  • simon hopkinson

    The “Discover Extensions for VS2022” ribbon in the second image was useful to highlight the changes but it has since vanished on the gallery.

    It also seems odd that the default extensions shown are generally still VS2019 extensions still….

  • Vitaliy Pavluk

    Please do not recommend Resharper as the extension for VS2022 since it has not been released YET and in Early Access Preview with lots of issues.
    Even its most useful and PRed feature Refactoring does not work well and can corrupt code.