April 29th, 2011

The Temple of VB (Matt Gertz)

Hi, all!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog, and a lot has happened in my world since then.  Though I’ve been pretty busy on our engineering systems team, I took a little time off last summer to do some traveling and, more importantly, some long overdue writing. 

Although I’d always enjoyed writing the “here’s how you build this application” blog posts, I always felt that I could do a bit more with them, and so I took my favorite posts, cleaned them up, added a lot more text and pictures, and turned them into a Kindle e-book.  The posts I’ve included and expanded on are: the Euchre game, the paint-by-numbers editor, the maze game, the gerbil game, the DNA-to-protein translator, and the encoder.  (Since these posts were all written before VB2010 shipped, I’ve updated a couple of the walkthroughs to cover functionality that’s been improved in VB2010 over earlier versions.) 

You can find this book on Amazon now:  “The Temple of VB:  Six real-life applications to bring your Visual Basic .NET skills up-to-speed” by Matthew Gertz.  And, of course, the source for the applications themselves is freely available at my Temple of VB site as usual.  If you have a Kindle (or the Kindle for PC app) and are interested in a set of on-hand walkthroughs covering various coding areas (resources, printing, XML use, game logic, and so on), I invite you to take a look!

Addendum:  A couple folks have reported that they can’t get the links to work.  Here are the links directly:

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004YE78FS (for the book)

http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/templeofvb (for the source code)

–Matt Gertz–*

P.S.  If you have a smaller Kindle, like a Kindle 3, then I strongly recommend reading the book in landscape mode w/smaller font — in general, lines of code look better that way, since they can wrap inelegantly in portrait mode on smaller screens.