The Rosetta lander Philae wasn’t the only thing in space last week. Our launch of Visual Studio 2015 Preview and our announcement to open source the full .NET server stack were out of this world. After all, it’s not every day that you can say your work trended higher than Kim Kardashian on Twitter.
After an overwhelmingly positive reception to the news of .NET going open source, we want to make sure you know how and where to contribute. The .NET Core repository already has closed about 80 pull-requests (with the majority being merged) and there are some great community efforts going on right now. Here are some links to get you started:
- Contribute to “Roslyn” on Codeplex: Roslyn contains our C# and Visual Basic compilers as well as the rich code analysis APIs that we use to implement tools in Visual Studio.
- Contribute to .NET on GitHub: This is a great place to find .NET open source projects from Microsoft and to read more about how you can contribute your own projects.
- Build “analyzers” to fix your code: The community has created some really incredible analyzers already. Ones that we have seen so far include CodeCracker, DotNetAnalyzers, and WintellectAnalyzers. Thank you all for your contributions–these are really impressive!
Here are some analyzers from our very own Lucian Wischik:
Analyzer 1: UseElvisCS. Although the ?. operator is built into C#6 and VB14, the warning squiggle and code-fix in this video are not built in. Lucian wrote them himself via a simple “analyzer” (source code here on GitHub). An important feature of VS2015 is that you can write your own refactorings, analyzers and code-fixes.
Analyzer 2: UseStaticChangedCS. This analyzer looks for every place where you construct an instance of PropertyChangedEventArgs in something other than a static field. Its fix Is to instead construct the instance in a static field (source code is here).
Remember, keep your eyes peeled for the C# and Visual Basic team’s Preview posts that will be coming out soon. In the meantime, check out our Preview overview post and our short videos highlighting some new features and experiences you can expect to see in Visual Studio 2015 Preview.
Over ‘n’ out
Kasey Uhlenhuth, Program Manager, Managed Languages Team