– Visual Studio 2008 (Beta2 or Higher)
– Some text you want to search
Categories: LINQ-To-Objects, LINQ and strings, LINQ and WinForms
– Open Visual Studio 2008, and Click ‘File/New Project’. Find and double-click the ‘Windows Forms Application’ Icon
– Drag and drop a Listbox to the form. Size the listbox to be fairly tall. Drag and drop a button to the form
– Double-click the button, and add the following code to the button:
Dim text = “Good morning everyone. I’d like to welcome “ & _
“you to today’s presentation on LINQ. My “ & _
“name is Kit George and I’m a Program Manager “ & _
“for Microsoft, on the Visual Basic team. You “ & _
“might be wondering where my accent is from? “ & _
“Well, I hail from a small country called New “ & _
“Zealand but it sure is great to be here in “ & _
“Atlanta today!”
Dim capitalWords = _
From word In text.Split( _
New Char() {“,”, “.”, “!”, ” “}, _
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) _
Where word(0) = Char.ToUpper(word(0)) _
Order By word.Length, word
– Change the text being searched to the text of your choice. If your text is coming from a file, use My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText to get the data into the text variable