November 14th, 2006

Key VB Hotfixes Available for Download

We’ve heard from you that popular hotfixes should be a public download rather than requiring a call to support. 


Based your feedback, we’ve launched a pilot program that will allow you to download the most frequently requested Visual Basic 2005 hotfixes without having to contact Microsoft Developer Support.  For more information about this pilot and a list of hotfixes that are available for download please visit the pilot home page.


The following Visual Basic 2005 hotfixes are available for download:



Visual Basic


FIX: (VB Compiler Hotfixes are cumulative) 

  • You may receive Visual Basic compiler error messages when you are developing a Visual Basic 2005 project in Visual Studio 2005 (More Information)

  • You may experience performance issues when you use solutions that contain large Visual Basic projects in Visual Studio 2005 (More Information)

  • You may experience slow performance when you work with a Visual Basic solution that contains many projects in Visual Studio 2005 (More Information)


Visual Basic


FIX: The Visual Studio 2005 IDE may corrupt the deployment files for a Web Setup Project and for a Setup Project

More Information


Registration is required for download. 


Let us know what you think of the program and the current list of fixes available.  Your comments and feedback will help us shape this program.



Chris Mayo

Visual Basic Performance Program Manager
