· How long have you been using VB?
Since I couldn’t find any decent examples for basic windows development in Delphi, which I had just bought, but could for VB. So, that must be 1995.
· What industry do you work in?
Whatever my client tells me 🙂 Insurance, banking, process control, etc.
· How big is your development team?
Depends on the client or who is cooperating on internal projects – so between 1 and 5.
· What kind of apps do you most commonly build?
B2C or B2B web applications and services.
· What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?
The Configuration Manager for Heathrow’s T5 OPC systems. And with all the negative press out there, I always have to mention that the baggage handling system was nothing to do with me, the above application or my client company 🙂 Everybody asks…
· Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.
Can’t. NDA’s 🙂 But it’s based on SharePoint.
· What other technologies do you most commonly use?
nHibernate, Rhino Mocks, Autofac, Silverlight.
· What are some of your favorite VB features?
Simply WithEvents, Handles and Implements.
· What do you like most about VB as a programming language?
The lack of the accursed curly braces.
For other interviews in this series, please visit http://imavb.net.
Are you a VB, too? Submit your story here!