October 17th, 2009

I'm A VB: Ryan Hollings


·        How long have you been using VB?

1 year


·        What industry do you work in?

Land surveyor


·        How big is your development team?

1 person – ME!


·        What kind of apps do you most commonly build?

If anything needs a quicker way to do something I build an app, generally ones to speed up processing in land surveying, currently working on an app to process GSI files


·        What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?

not sure, a lot of my apps ar just mini projects to keep me up to scratch with it, nothing major yet, would probably say a system information app i wrote one day as a little project, or an SQL db client.


·        Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.

GSI Cleanup, general tasks for GSI files, Load files, and cross section ascii files used in river cross sections


·        What other technologies do you most commonly use?



·        What are some of your favorite VB features?

Speed of UI creation, tidyer code, how easy it is for anyone to pick up and start, without a boring month long introduction you can be into the code fairly quickly


·        What do you like most about VB as a programming language?

I picked it up quickly and it meets all the demands i need it for.


For other interviews in this series, please visit http://imavb.net.



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