· How long have you been using VB?
First version was 5.0, after years of programming with Access-Basic (since version 1.0) and later VBA
· What industry do you work in?
Software-Development, Consulting
· How big is your development team?
4 Developers
· What kind of apps do you most commonly build?
In my business, I’m developing applications in Access, VB, VB.NET and ASP.NET, with SQL Server as backend. In my free time, I have started several projects with VB and ASP.NET.
· What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?
Every new app is an exciting challenge. The most comprehensive work was a tool for automating the handling of insurance policies with 3D barcodes.
· Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.
A replacement of an old Access XP database frontend with .NET Framework 3.5 and VB.NET.
· What other technologies do you most commonly use?
Javascript and jQuery for developing RIA-like websites.
· What are some of your favorite VB features?
I love the OOP features of VB.NET. Things are now possible that I always missed in classic VB. Now it is a real programming language.
· What do you like most about VB as a programming language?
The simplicity. C# is more elegant, but VB is better to read and to understand. As an example: End If … Next … End If … End Select, instead of } … } … } … }.
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