One of our Italian Visual Basic MVPs, Alessandro Del Sole, sent over some interview questions for the Visual Basic Team members to get our thoughts on the language and favorite features but mostly to share some of our personal interests to help you get to know us better. I also learned some fun facts about the team as well! Alessandro is also translating these interviews and posting them on the Italian Visual Basic Tips&Tricks site.
You can take a look at the Visual Basic Team page for pictures and bios of those team members who aren’t shy. ;-). The home page of the Visual Basic Developer Center will also display the team photos and a link to these interviews that we’ll be post here over the next month or so.
This first interview is with Paul Vick, VB Language Architect. Although Paul is moving teams to work on Oslo, he’ll still continue to participate in the VB language design process and work to ensure the VB language specification is kept complete and up to date.
Here’s the interview with Paul:
1. Nice to meet you Paul Vick! Let’s begin by asking a simple question: where are you from?
I’m originally from Durham, North Carolina, but I’ve lived in Seattle long enough that I consider myself more of a Northwesterner.
2. We all know that you’re a Visual Basic Team member, but could we know something more about your role inside the Team?
My main role has been the language architect, which really means three things: running the language design meetings, answering a lot of questions, and keeping the language specification up to date.
3. What’s your favorite Visual Basic feature regarding the language and/or the IDE?
I’ve worked on so many, I don’t really have a favorite. OK, maybe case insensitivity…
4. How long have you been working for Microsoft and what was your occupation before joining the VB Team?
I came to Microsoft sixteen years ago straight out of college.
5. Why do you think VB is such a great language?
I think VB is a great language because it takes a very practical, relaxed stand on things. Case insensitivity is a good example—rather than being stickler about casing, which in most cases really doesn’t matter, we accept different casings. Overall, I like that approach a lot.
6. Have you ever been to Italy?
Once, when I was in high school. I studied Latin and we took a trip to visit Rome, Venice and Florence. It was a wonderful trip, and I hope to come back some day!
7. Would you like to tell us something about your life outside the office (how do you like to spend your free time, what do you like to do when/if you go out in the evening or when you’re at home and so on)?
Well, I’ve got twin boys who are about two and a half right now, so they tend to consume most of my time outside of the office! I am looking forward to going back to running and indoor rock climbing at some point in the future…
8. Who is your favorite musician?
I like a lot of different styles of music, but I grew up listening to R.E.M., so they have a special place in my heart.
9. What’s your favorite food?
Also a difficult question, but it’s probably something Southern and fried, maybe fried chicken or hushpuppies.
Thank you very much for taking time to answer these questions and letting us know something more about you!