July 21st, 2022

droidcon San Francisco recap

Joy Liu
Senior Software Engineer

Hello Android developers,

Earlier this year the Surface Duo team attended our first in-person conference for the year at droidcon in San Francisco! It was great to meet Android developers from all over the world, demonstrate the features of Surface Duo, and chat about building apps for foldable and large screen devices.

We’ll also be at these upcoming droidcon events with a booth and speaking session:

Please come visit us and share your foldable and large screen development experiences!

If you’re looking for other foldable and large-screen content, representatives of Microsoft, Google, and Samsung recently chatted about the foldable Android ecosystem on the Samsung Developers Podcast:

Listen to the full podcast episode online 🔊

Foldable, meet Compose ❤️

In San Francisco I presented a talk on building Jetpack Compose apps for foldable devices, titled “Foldable, Meet Compose” in a love story theme which impressed quite a few developers. Some of them came to our booth after the talk to ask questions and try our device. The talk covered:

  • Dual-screen design patterns to help create unique foldable user experiences
  • TwoPaneLayout – simplifies development of fold-aware Compose screens
  • WindowState – helps adapt layouts for different devices with Windows size classes
  • Test Kit – UITest for Jetpack Compose foldable apps

The videos for all the sessions in San Francisco were recently uploaded, and you can now watch “Foldable, Meet Compose” online:

Intoductory slide from Foldable meet Compose talk, showing Joy's photo and Senior Software Engineer title

The Microsoft booth was in the main hall, where we helped attendees install and test their apps on Surface Duo devices, as well as demonstrate the Surface Duo emulator and discuss how to bring foldable support to Android apps.

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droidcon Berlin

droidcon Berlin was held recently and our team was on site with Surface Duo demos and a talk about “the age of large screen” which will be shared online soon. Here’s Cesar, Bianca, and Cristian ready to meet with the Android developer community:

Cristian gave a short interview speaking about developing for dual-screen and foldable devices which you can watch here:

Resources and feedback

You can learn more about other droidcon conferences and events at https://www.droidcon.com/.

If you have any questions or would like to tell us about your dual-screen applications, use the feedback forum or message us on Twitter @surfaceduodev.

Finally, please join us every Friday on Twitch at 11am Pacific time to chat about Surface Duo developer topics.


Joy Liu
Senior Software Engineer

Works on the Surface Duo dual-screen SDK, emulator, Jetpack Compose, samples, and customer engagement.


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