Showing results for serverless - Creating Startups

Jun 11, 2021

CTO Choices – What happens when you need to choose your database?

Christopher Maneu
Christopher Maneu

Almost any application needs to keep track of some sort of state. Now, you have one of the most complicated choice of your architecture to make: which database to pick? You better have made the right choice the first time 😊.

May 19, 2021

Simplifying web apps with Static Web Apps

Aaron Powell
Aaron Powell

In this article, we'll check out a new Azure service, Static Web Apps, and look at how we quickly converted an existing application to it, simplified our infrastructure and streamlined our workflows.

Jan 19, 2021

Moving from servers to server(less)

Tom Hind
Tom Hind

Akari’s cloud-native journey spanned 12 months, moving from servers to serverless for core applications. In this article we’ll be talking about what we wish we did, development considerations for bootstrapping a project, ops and observability ups and downs, and how we optimize cost across our platform.

StartupsCTO CookbookWeb
Jan 12, 2021

Our startup journey with Azure Functions, GraphQL, and React

Ravi Nar
Ravi Nar

In this article, the CTO of CorLife writes about the architectural guidelines and principles that helped his team ship high quality code as quickly as possible while supporting the general operation of the platform.

StartupsCTO CookbookWeb