Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results for “Kory Thacher”

PowerShell PowerTip: searching and installing modules on the command line

PowerShell 5+ ships with the module PowerShellGet, which lets us search and install modules from cmdlets. The default nuget repository is the PowerShell Gallery, but you could add others yourself (including custom ones for internal modules). There are a lot of reasons this could help you: There are a lot of cmdlets in the module, ...

PowerShell PowerTip: Grabbing the location your script lives in

One super common thing in PowerShell is to design a script to consume particular files for data. Often times you are building the script right in the folder for your files. However, it can be annoying to give long, literal file paths to a file. Also, if you give that script to someone else, they need to edit that path to point at the right ...