Showing 26 - 30 of 55 results for “Alpha”

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The Old New Thing

Why is there a 64KB no-man's land near the end of the user-mode address space?

We learned some time ago that there is a 64KB no-man's land near the 2GB boundary to accommodate a quirk of the Alpha AXP processor architecture. But that's not the only reason why it's there. The no-man's land near the 2GB boundary is useful even on x86 processors because it simplifies parameter validation at the boundary between user mode ...

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Creating a listview with checkboxes on some items but not others

Today's Little Program creates a listview with checkboxes on some items but not other. The LVS_EX_CHECK­BOXES extended style is really just a convenience style. Everything it does you could have done yourself, with a bit more typing. It creates a state image list consisting of an unchecked box (state 1) and a checked box (state 2...

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