November 20th, 2012

Stockholm to Oslo

Last night we had an absolutely awesome time in Stockholm. The Scripting Wife and I met Niklas Goude, Windows PowerShell MVP, and all around nice guy, at our hotel. By the way, Niklas is an Honorary Scripting Guy and has an awesome blog posting out today on using PowerShell Workflow to Ping computers in Parallel —it is a great article.

The hike to the training center

We hiked across town to the location that was to host the rebooted Windows PowerShell user group. This was an awesome walk, in and of itself. While we walked, I took 283 pictures as I hoofed it behind Teresa and Niklas. Along the way, we passed a really cool light tower. Not sure what it is in reality, but to me it looks like a light tower. The round light over in the lower middle of the picture is the moon. As you can see, the night cleared up and turned lovely. See what you think—light tower or not?

Light tower at night


We arrive at the training center

We arrived at the training center, and we toured around. Soon Teresa had her new Windows Surface and was allowing people to check it out. Here is Niklas and Teresa as they put the new device through its paces.

Teresa and Niklas with Surface

I have said it before … I think that every Windows PowerShell user group should begin with the Highway to PowerShell song. I play it just before the user group meeting for two reasons. The first is that it gets people’s attention, and lets them know the meeting is just about to start—and so people file into the room. The second reason, is for me personally—it just gets me in a good mood, psyched up, and ready to launch into an hour-long session about absolutely the coolest technology around. Here I am after just having started up our theme song.

Stockholm PowerShell User Group


After the meeting

After the meeting, Anna and Niklas took Teresa and me to dinner. We had a nice walk, and as mentioned earlier, it was a beautiful night. This photo is of Teresa, Niklas, and Anna as they wait a bit for me to catch up with them. I only took 125 pictures on the way to dinner.

Niklas, Teresa, and Anna in Stockholm

Just as we were one block away from the restaurant, we arrived at a really cool square. It was all lit up, and I thought this building was fantastic. Here is the building.

Cool building in Stockholm at night

So our evening was excellent, and we got to meet new friends, and to reestablish our previous acquaintances. One of the people I was happy to finally get to meet was Fredrick Wall—one of the Scripting Guys forum moderators. We had a great talk about scripting.

Heading to Oslo

So this morning, we got up and took the train to Oslo. We had dinner with Jan Egil Ring, who is also a Windows PowerShell MVP. Tomorrow, the Scripting Wife and I are going to be at the Oslo Windows PowerShell User group meeting. I am talking about using the CIM cmdlets to manage Windows 8 via Windows PowerShell 3.0. It is some really cool stuff. The neat thing is that I spoke to the Oslo Windows PowerShell user group previously by using Live Meeting. Tomorrow I get to do it in person. If you are in Oslo, please stop by—we would love to meet you, there are still a few seats left.



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