Summary: The Scripting Guys talk about what is going on today at TechEd 2012 in Orlando. Well, last night’s Community Night at Microsoft TechEd 2012 in Orlando, Florida was awesome. Our table was swamped from the time the gate opened until they turned the lights out and chased us from the room. Even then the conversations continued on from the Convention Center to the lobby of our hotel where we sat around and talked scripting into the wee hours of the morning. Indeed Windows PowerShell rocks! And people who know Windows PowerShell KNOW that it rocks. I did not take any pictures last night. I was too busy talking to the Scripting Gang to get my camera out. In fact, I did not even consider interrupting the proceedings with my flash. This morning the Scripting Wife and I had our script breakfast with our scripting breakfast club. What did we have? Why Scripto’s of course, the cereal with mega byte! Today, I have my second autograph session for Windows PowerShell 2.0 Best Practices at the O’Reilly booth. Then at 3:15 this afternoon, I have the first of my two-birds-of-a-feather session about Windows PowerShell Best Practices. Today my co-host will be Microsoft PowerShell MVP, Don Jones. Tomorrow, I do another birds-of-a-feather session about Windows PowerShell Best Practices. But this time it will be with Microsoft PowerShell MVP, Jeffrey Hicks.
Well, that is about all for now. I will write more later today.