Summary: Learn how to find Windows PowerShell cmdlets that accept an array of strings for parameter input.
How can I find all the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that accept an array of strings for parameter input?
Import all modules, then use the Get-Command cmdlet and the ParameterName parameter to look for [string[]] (if you use aliases, the first command shortens to gmo -l | ipmo):
Get-Module –list | import-Module
Get-Command –ParameterType [string[]]
The following script counts parameter types—first it counts arrays of strings, then it counts strings (gcm is an alias for Get-Command):
PS C:> gcm -ParameterType [string[]] | measure
Count : 905
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
PS C:> gcm -ParameterType [string] | measure
Count : 2407
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :