Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I determine the first Friday in a month?
— JB

Hey, JB. You know, when we first glanced at this question we were hoping it said, “How can I determine if any given day in a month is a Friday?” Why? Well, if that was the case then we had a sure-fire method for you: just walk through the cafeteria in the Scripting Guys building at lunch time. If you walk into the cafeteria at noon on, say, a Monday or a Thursday, the place will be jam-packed; walk through on a Friday, however, and you feel like you’re the last person on Earth. Nobody is around on a Friday.
Note. Is that because all these dedicated Microsoft employees are working through lunch, making sure they get everything done before the weekend? Um, sure; why not? |
Of course, that wasn’t your question; instead, you wanted to know how you can identify the first Friday in a month. Admittedly, you might not find the answer to that simply by walking through the Microsoft cafeteria. Instead, you might need to use a script similar to this:
dtmDate = #11/1/2006#Do Until x = 1 intDayOfWeek = Weekday(dtmDate) If intDayOfWeek = 6 Then Wscript.Echo “The first Friday of the month is ” & dtmDate & “.” Exit Do Else dtmDate = dtmDate + 1 End If Loop
What’s that? Sure, we can spare a few minutes to explain how this script works. After all, it’s Friday; we pretty much have the place to ourselves.
As you can see, we start out by assigning a date – November 1, 2006 – to a variable named dtmDate:
dtmDate = #11/1/2006#
Note. Are the pound signs – the # characters – required when assigning a date to a variable? Not necessarily, but it’s a good idea. When VBScript sees the pound signs there’s no confusion; it knows that the value being assigned is supposed to be a date. |
Oh, right: there’s a very good reason why we set the date to November first. After all, we want to determine the first Friday in the month; therefore we need to start with day 1, just in case the first day in November is a Friday. If it is, great. If it isn’t, then we’ll check to see if the second day in the month is a Friday. And so on. At least that’s the plan; let’s see if it works.
After assigning the date we then set up a Do Until loop that runs until a variable named x is equal to 1. Because x has never been assigned a value, its current value is 0; in fact, the value of x will always be a zero. In other words, we’ve set up a loop designed to run forever. But don’t panic: after all, in the scripting world forever doesn’t always take very long.
Note. What does that mean? Good question; hopefully we’ll figure it out ourselves before we reach the end of this column. |
Inside the loop the very first thing we do is use the Weekday function to determine the integer value corresponding to the given date:
intDayOfWeek = Weekday(dtmDate)
Depending on the day of the week, the Weekday function will return one of the following values:
Day of the Week |
Value |
Sunday |
1 |
Monday |
2 |
Tuesday |
3 |
Wednesday |
4 |
Thursday |
5 |
Friday |
6 |
Saturday |
7 |
Because we’re interested in only Fridays we use this line of code to determine whether or not the Weekday value for 11/1/2006 (the current value of dtmDate) is equal to 6:
If intDayOfWeek = 6 Then
Suppose the Weekday value for 11/1/2006 is 6 (it isn’t, but suppose it is). In that case we echo back the fact that the first Friday in November, 2006 is 11/1/2006 and then call the Exit Do statement to exit our not-so-endless loop:
Wscript.Echo “The first Friday of the month is ” & dtmDate & “.” Exit Do
Note. Yes, even though our loop is designed to run forever all we have to do is call Exit Do and we’ll immediately exit the thing. If only we had a similar function to help us exit those meetings that also seem designed to run forever. |
That’s nice, but what if the Weekday value for 11/1/2006 isn’t equal to 6 (which it isn’t)? No problem; in that case we simply add 1 day to the date (making the value of dtmDate equal to 11/2/2006) and then loop around and use the Weekday function to test that date:
dtmDate = dtmDate + 1
This process continues until we finally encounter a Friday. When that happens, we’ll get back a message similar to this, we’ll exit the loop, and the script will terminate:
The first Friday of the month is 11/3/2006.
By the way, if you want to get a head start on next year, here’s a script (we’ll leave it up to you to figure out exactly how it works) that reports back the first Friday in every month for the year 2007:
For i = 1 to 12 dtmDate = CDate(i & “/1/2007”)Do Until x = 1 intDayOfWeek = Weekday(dtmDate) If intDayOfWeek = 6 Then Wscript.Echo “The first Friday of the month is ” & dtmDate & “.” Exit Do Else dtmDate = dtmDate + 1 End If Loop Next
That’s going to give us back data that looks like this:
The first Friday of the month is 1/5/2007. The first Friday of the month is 2/2/2007. The first Friday of the month is 3/2/2007. The first Friday of the month is 4/6/2007. The first Friday of the month is 5/4/2007. The first Friday of the month is 6/1/2007. The first Friday of the month is 7/6/2007. The first Friday of the month is 8/3/2007. The first Friday of the month is 9/7/2007. The first Friday of the month is 10/5/2007. The first Friday of the month is 11/2/2007. The first Friday of the month is 12/7/2007.
The secret here is that we’ve added a second loop. We want to report data back for 12 months, so we set up a For Next loop that runs from 1 through 12. Then, we use the counter variable for that loop (which we named i) in a little formula that determines the first day in each month:
dtmDate = CDate(i & “/1/2007”)
As you can see, when i is equal to 1 we’ll be assigning dtmDate the value 1/1/2007; when i is equal to 2 (which it will be the second time through the loop) then we’ll be assigning dtmDate the value 2/1/2007. Etc.
Note. The function CDate? CDate is short for character-to-date, and is designed to transform a string value into a date-time value. Again, we’re just making sure that VBScript treats dtmDate as a date. And sure, we could have used CDate (instead of pound signs) when assigning the date in our first script. Why didn’t we? No reason, really; we just felt like using pound signs. |
One last thing. If the Scripting Editor tries to slip a note in here saying that this column exaggerates the number of people who skip … lunch … on a Friday, well, look at it this way. Who are you going to trust when it comes to being lazy and weaseling out work: the Scripting Editor, or the Scripting Guy who writes this column? (Or, to put it a little more accurately, the Scripting Guy who writes this column if he doesn’t have to coach baseball or if he isn’t taking a week off or ….)
That’s what we thought.