Posts by this author

Oct 16, 2019

Grace Hopper Celebration 2019: Recap

Grace Hopper Celebration 2019 – the world’s largest gathering of women technologists – featured several sessions on quantum computing as part of the "Emerging Technologies" track. We presented one of these sessions, a workshop titled “Introduction to Quantum Computing with Grover`s Search". In this post we share the highlights of the trip.

Aug 21, 2019

Quantum Koan: High Probability

A novice approached the master asking for a code review of his implementation of Grover's search...

Jul 18, 2019

One Year of Quantum Katas

In July 2018 we announced the Quantum Katas – an open-source project aimed at teaching quantum computing and Q# programming. This July we’re celebrating the first anniversary of the Katas, so I decided to step back for a moment and look at how the project grew and evolved during this year.

Apr 30, 2019

Solve the Quantum Katas Online with Jupyter Notebooks

We present the first batch of Quantum Katas - self-paced tutorials for learning quantum computing and Q# - in Jupyter Notebook format. Now you can solve the tasks from the tutorials in your browser without having to install any extra software.

Mar 29, 2019

The Women of QuArC

International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the women in our life. That includes the amazing women in our group who, among other things, work to shape the Quantum Development Kit and to bring you these awesome tools for quantum programming. Without further ado, allow me to introduce them to you – in their own words.

Microsoft Quantum team
Nov 15, 2018

Q# Advent Calendar 2018

The F# and C# communities have blogging events called Advent Calendars, in which every day in December one awesome community member publishes a blog post about the language. I think it's an amazing way to bid farewell to the old year and to celebrate the new one, and Q# needs one too! So, let's write some Q# blog posts!
